Customer Feedback
If you would like to speak directly with a Homewood owner, please do email us: we will happily put you in touch with one of our customers – and may even be able to arrange for you to see one in action nearby!
Visit our Gallery page to get inspired by even more photos showcasing a selection of real world installations.
Continue reading to see what just some of the Homewood owners out there have to say about their stoves. There are a lot of happy customers below, so feel free to jump directly to the model that interests you most:
Homewood Heritage

Our Homewood is truly the heart of our home. It’s a honey Zak – everything we wanted it to be. It heats our large family and dining area, and everyone always congregates around it for the warmth and to enjoy the beautiful, comforting flames. Our home is known for it’s welcoming feeling, and the Homewood is a very central part of that.
Our entire build was designed around the look and function of the stove. The style, the feel, the colours… all because of her! She really deserves it. The bricks were made locally too (waaaay back in the day… 1800s?) and for some weird reason came up in a TradeMe search for timber. They’d already been sold but I made such a nuisance of myself… whining and whinging at the poor guy forever, that he finally caved and let me buy some off of him. Pretty special – they just make the whole thing for us!
We had looked at many of the other cookers on the market, but after having grown up with the old matte black “Coal Ranges”, the bright colours and glossy finishes of the others just did not appeal. We love to tell the story of how we discovered your mum cooking in that wee shed at the Field Days, saw the Homewood with its glass door through which to enjoy the flames (something none of the others had), and how we bought our baby and had it stored all those years… just so we could be sure we didn’t miss out! 🤭🤭
When we originally bought the Homewood back then, we communicated with your father. By the time we were finally ready to install it, the baton had since been handed over to you, and across all those years, we have been beautifully and helpfully treated. No question has ever been silly, and every one has been attended to straight away.
We use it for heating and cooking, and also run 2 radiators. Its brilliant for warmth and extra hot water when family and guests stay. We love it for all of our cooking when it’s going over winter, and the result is absolutely beautifully-cooked food. We miss her over the summer months when we’re using our electric oven – the roasts are never as moist and our veges do not taste the same! It is remarkable, and our Homewood meals have made us quite famous.
We had a retreat at home just this last weekend for my Health and Wellness Centre, with an international presenter and many other Health Coaches in attendance, and they all seriously loved the cooker as much as we do. They LOVED it! Especially the fact that we cooked their food in it. It was awesome!!
Thank you… we are well-and-truly loving our baby. We have no regrets about any part of our journey with her… even considering the fact we built a shed just to store her in until the house was built – over 12 years later 😂
Wendy and Gordon – Carterton, Wairarapa

We have been running one of your wonderful stoves for a few years now. Our fab stove is the heart of our home – we love it!
Thought you might like to see this photo – busy candle making on my wonderful stove.
Still very much in love with our stove and everyone who uses it loves it too.
Cecily & Dave – Hawera, Taranaki

Just sending you a photo of our Homewood installed.
Still have to put tiles around the bottom.
Pots have to go in winter as they are on my clothesline!
We have a lot of power breaks where we are and thanks to the Homewood we stay warm and have hot meals and drinks.
Thank you!
Ngaire & Roy – Hunterville, Rangitikei

It’s been a while since we put our new Homewood Heritage into our kitchen and I just want to let you know how thrilled we are with it. We used the bricks from the original chimney that was in this space.
Our kitchen is so ridiculously warm, to the point of it being tropical (29 degrees one night!). We have been cold in our house for over 10 years and now we just cannot understand why we didn’t put in a Homewood years ago.
We have hooked a 425litre water cylinder up to the stove and it heats it no trouble. Plenty of hot showers and baths for everyone. We have installed radiators in each of the bedrooms (4) which runs off the hot water provided by the Homewood. It has no problems keeping up with the hot water demand and now our whole house is toasty – not just the kitchen where the stove is.
And the cooking is easy too. I was apprehensive about it but I haven’t turned on a electric stove, microwave or kettle since we installed it. And did I mention how warm we are??
This is one of the best investments we have ever made. Thank you so much for making such a wonderful NZ product. We absolutely love our Homewood as it keeps us so warm.
PS Did I tell you that we are really warm now?
Julie & Tim – Te Pahu, Waikato

Hello David and Penny,
Linda and I bought a stove from you a couple of years ago for our new home near Palmerston North, you may recall.
We came up and stayed with you as part of the house journey, a greatly appreciated and fondly remembered occasion. We have been living in our house for one year now and are delighted with it all, especially the stove, such an integral piece in the puzzle.
It does all that you claimed, a real heart to the place.
Once again thank you for making and supplying a magnificent machine.
Linda & Tom – Palmerston North, Manawatu

We love our stove!
Our Homewood Stove has been the best improvement to our home we have done! So easy to light. Goes all night with the right wood. Super efficient at heating the hot water cylinder and it has greatly reduced our power bills.
The kids often set up chairs in front of it in the evening to read – such a focal point for our family! Oh and of course yummy slow-cooked dinners! We have just added a heat transfer kit from above the Homewood, to 3 bedrooms at the further end of our house and Wow… Yip the whole house is now toasty as!
We can’t rave enough about it! We recommend anyone thinking of putting in a woodstove to get a Homewood Stove – they are so worth it!
Today is squally and horrible outside but we’re toasty warm and having fun toasting marshmallows inside on our Homewood. Thanks again for an awesome stove.
I [now] have 2 of these! 🙌
Melodie & Johnathan – Wheki Valley, Northland
We put the 1st in our old farm house and loved it SOOO much that when the holiday homes old woodstove needed replacing, it was a no-brainer to get another one of these. Easy to light! Huge woodbox and oven. Heats our hot water and home beautifully and you cook dinner at the same time. Best investment in both houses. 👏

Merry Christmas Everyone!
We just wanted to let you know how the stove is going. FANTASTIC. Yes, we should have had one in ages ago. David, thank you so much for creating such a wonderful piece of practical beauty. It really does create that ‘wow!’ factor when people see her. We put a comfy chair by her and ever since it has been a three way tussle as to who gets there first. Cat hogged it all winter, then standard poodle would take over and sometimes David would be allowed it at night. Through winter it was wonderful at night to have no TV and just sit by the fire.
She made many hearty soups this winter. Have noticed that the hobs and oven are more forgiving when cooking. Things will happily tick over for ages on the Homewood, but try it on the electric stove and you’ve burnt something or it’s boiled dry.
So thank you so, so much for the stove: it really has become the heart of our home.
Jean & David – Timaru, South Canterbury

Hi Zak and funny you should email as we were recently talking about getting a photo of our beauty to you but still doing some finishing touches! Yes I would be more than happy for someone to come and have a look, have just given another chap down the street our number too as he is keen to get one!
It’s really really awesome Zak, we love it (well me mostly) with a passion…..I have soup going, bottles sterilising, roasts in etc etc and running 2x radiators, she’s a wee gem, I mean why wouldn’t you install one.
Full credit to you and all the team at Homewood, I can’t recommend them enough to anyone I talk to about it… We love “Patsy”, I cook on her most nights/days, we run the two radiators and heated towel rail which is amazing plus a 190Ltr hot water cylinder.
I am grateful for such a wonderful practical NZ designed and manufactured amazing stove! Based on the “good ole days”.
There is no doubt I will never be without one again where, or if, ever I move homes.We also had ours built with a coal grill and find this an excellent option for banking down through the day or night so we run her 24/7, other than a little downtime for cleaning.
Love this stove and life would be miserable without her 🙂
Jane & Tony – Palmerston, Otago

Our Homewood is a gathering place for family, visitors and of course the dogs and cats.
Sometimes difficult to get near the stove for this reason!
Love cooking with it, and we like the fact you can see the fire.
John & Robin – Wairoa, Hawkes Bay

When a visitor comes and seat down on the couch opposite the stove, we most of the time hear a big sigh and “Oh! It is so wonderful to feel welcome and cosy…”
The cooking became more exciting because of the presence of the flames and heat, and brings to the cook an awareness of being alive and how cooking is essential for the family.
It is a family event to cut trees, chop, split and store firewood. The saving on gas is about $120 a month.
All year round the stove has been the ‘second comfort’ in the house for people and animals! The first comfort of any kind is the presence of our Heavenly Father in our heart and in our house and on the property. Without Him we would not have met your family…
Luc & Catherine – Kerikeri, Northland

Hi David and Penny, Zak and Janie,
Thought you would like to see how handsome your stove looks installed. It is a very modern setting and we think the stove looks great. It is a modern interpretation of an old English inglenook cooking alcove.
I wish you every success with the continuing production of such a great stove. We love ours.
It is working brilliantly and we are delighted with it.
Vicki & John – Greytown, Wairarapa

[Disclaimer: this is my mother’s identical twin sister, Auntie Rose! – Zak]
It’s a cold blustery winter’s day, but I’ve just had the joy of lighting my Homewood. Soup is warming on the top for lunch and the kettle is whistling merrily.
It’s been nine years since we moved our Homewood from our 100 year-old barn (our home for four years) into our new home. I’ll never forget that day. We’d already moved all of our furniture into the new house and had slept there for a few nights, but it still didn’t feel like home. But on the day when our Homewood stove was moved in and I lit it for the first time, suddenly our house became home. 😊
My six children crowded around and pulled up chairs. I had to squeeze between them to make the dinner. No-one wanted to move. That night we celebrated with a lamb roast!
Since then, countless young people have warmed themselves by the fire, chatting and reading. I wonder how many hundreds of people I’ve fed with food cooked in and on my Homewood? Many, many. We’ve hosted countless family celebrations, a wedding, lunches for the old folk from our church, youth group dinners…they all love the warmth and cosiness of our kitchen.
I love, love, love my Homewood!
When Dutch author Corrie ten Boom was asked to describe her family home, she thought for a moment and then shook her head. “There isn’t a word for it in English. It is hard to translate into English. The Dutch word is gezellig. It means cosy, homely, a place of warmth and togetherness; a sense of belonging. It’s a sense of familiarity, of feeling at home. Gezellig is what makes you feel good, relaxed, warm, protected–almost cuddled. It’s the atmosphere of togetherness that one experiences sitting by a crackling fire, time spent with loved ones, drinking coffee together with a dear friend, and listening to music.”
That says it all! My Homewood stove is ‘Gezellig’.
[9 years ago…]
The Homewood has been the heart of our home – a 90 year old barn – for four years. Memories of lamb roasts in the middle of a 100 year storm, no electricity for 4 days, but we stayed warm and fed, thanks to our Homewood… long hours sitting by the stove reading aloud to the family… large pots of fruit for preserving bubbling on the stove top and the delicious smell of apple pie filling the barn… thank you Homewood Stoves!
Now we can’t wait to move ‘the heart’ into our new home, and I’m actually looking forward to this winter, and cooking again on my Homewood stove.
Rosie & Chris – Whangarei, Northland

I’ve had my stove cranked up nearly 24/7 for the last two months and I love it!
Roast in the top oven, bread baking in the bottom oven at the same time, more hot water than I know what to do with and heats the whole house nicely too! And did I mention how efficient it is when stoked properly? Everyone who comes to visit is very impressed, more so when they sample my fresh hot bread!
I grew up with no power or gas and learnt to cook on an old Shacklock, then later an Everhot, and always wanted a nice woodrange for my new house and I find the Heritage to be far superior than either of the above! It was a large outlay in the beginning but I can’t see myself ever regretting it, and my friends are all jealous!
Thank you for the time you have taken to develop and produce the quality product that I am proud to own.
Leo – Omapere, Hokianga Harbour, Northland

I just love my Homewood!
It is easy to light and quick to heat up. Kettle is always hot, and just love it for cooking; the lovely big oven is fantastic – cooks anything from pav’s to roasts: all cooked to perfection.
We built a solar powered house so the right fire was very important. I am so pleased we found the Homewood Heritage, it is fantastic and so efficient – I just love it. It’s awesome for cooking, heating our home, and for hot water. The fire looks stunning in our kitchen as you can see in the photo. Everybody is amazed with its beauty and what we use it for and can’t get over it being made in New Zealand.
Thank you for making such an awesome stove!
Charmain – Urenui, Taranaki

We live off-grid powered by solar, and the Homewood stove is one of the alternative things we have installed to make this system work efficiently.
We love our Homewood stove – it’s awesome!
Carole & Spencer – Whanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui

Hi David, Zak and everyone else at Homewood,
Thought it time I sent a photo of my stove now it is installed and up and running. I just love my stove, even husband seems to be impressed with it, it takes a lot to impress him!!
We are running three radiators off it, and although it is impossible to heat our old home (it is almost 150 years old) it certainly has made a big difference to the room temperatures where there are radiators. In fact 26 year old son says his bedroom is too warm at 5 am so has turned his radiator down low.
I am enjoying cooking on my Homewood and no longer use the electric oven – guess in summer time I will have to. The savings on the power bill this month are going to be impressive, with two night stores now permanently turned off as well as the electric oven not being in use.
John is not complaining about all the home baked cakes and muffins, etc, that are coming out of the Homewood. He told me it would take me 12 months to learn how to cook in the Homewood oven but it took no time at all. My mother had a wood range so I grew up using one – that was why I have always wanted one, so after 33 plus years of marriage I have my wish. If anyone down this way wants to see one or talk to us about them they are most welcome, I am absolutely wrapped in mine.
Thanks for making such a great stove, I just love the look of it also.
Lynne & John – Blenheim, Marlborough

I’m not a great cook, but use it heaps and the food tastes better – plus it is free!
Scones are better tasting too.
Don’t use the stove over the very hot months (Dec, Jan, Feb), but we turn off our hotwater when using the Homewood. Bills fall from $90 – $100 month in summer to $60 – $70 over winter.
Maree & Bill – Ohau, Horowhenua

Husband: Every rural property in NZ should have one!
Wife: I searched for years for my stove. Saw loads that I could not bring myself to buy. Saw ‘Homewood’ and immediately said “Where have you been all these years?!” Ordered one on the spot.
I love my stove and would never go back to electricity. I have no ‘back-up’ so do everything on it. It is easy to light, goes for hours – (12 hrs or more), has a big ashpan, big oven, cooks evenly, isn’t temperamental, and is extremely responsive. I can cook or bake whenever I feel like it – when I had electricity I was always conscious of having a decent baking day while I had the oven on. Installation of the Homewood allowed us to go on the ‘Low User Rate’ which dropped our daily charge. We went from $120 per month to $60.
I have never regretted buying it. Six years has flown by!
Joe & Shirley – Stratford, Taranaki

We chose our Homewood from a picture, because we liked the style and appearance. From there we phoned David and Penny and got some more information about the stove and decided to order one – and the rest is history!
Our stove is now 4 years old and we are 100% PLUS happy with it. It completely services our needs and we would highly recommend the Homewood Stove to any future customer.
David and Penny offer a very friendly and excellent service and stand by their product, after all it is NZ made!
Steve & Lesley – Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

I’ve been using my Homewood oven for a year and a half now.
I just wanted to say I love it.
It’s easy to use, great to cook in and is a brilliant water heater.
I’ve attached a photo just to show you how we’ve displayed this beautiful oven.
Gael & Rodney – Nelson

We LOVE it and are using it all the time now.
Sally & Kirk – Northland

We have had our Homewood for 5 years now, and it heats our large kitchen/dining area (50m2) completely – so well in fact that we have since put a radiator in the next hallway. Now another 90m2 of the house is warmed, as well as all hot water. Our power bill is about $150 a month less when the stove is running.
The kitchen is toasty warm even on the coldest days and you can’t beat the roast cooked in the oven. All our friends and visitors think the stove looks great – and will look greater once I finish the tiling around it! Overall a better stove than the Stanley we had previously.
James & Amelia – Hawkes Bay

I tell everyone who comes into our kitchen, “If you can love a ‘thing’ then I love my Homewood!!”
Thanks again for the great stove! I LOVE showing off my pride and joy!!
I do not have any other oven, though I do have an electric fry pan, crock pot and 2 gas burners. So the Homewood goes on in the summer when I want to do a roast… which are always HUGE and then I free-flow sliced cold meat for hot days.
Lyn & Mike – Dannevirke, Manawatu

We bought a Heritage stove from you last year, and now that we have used it a bit I would like to let you know how well it’s performing. I had very high expectations beforehand, and it’s fair to say that the stove has done everything we had hoped for, and, of course, continues to look marvellous.
The stove is an enduring delight, working beautifully and the heart of the house. Thanks very much.
Richard – Waimamaku, Far North

Hi Zak and the Team,
Here is our lovely Homewood installed.
We love it and it is greatly admired by all who see it and partake of its warmth and delicious food!
Carmen – North Otago

Just thought I would let you know our stove is up and running, we are in our new house and we have been living with our stove for 6 weeks now, stunningly good, keeps us warm; easy to operate, responsive; improved the wife’s cooking (Sssssh!!!!)
We are over the moon with it, we are completely off grid and this is a fantastic investment for us and I believe as easy to operate as electric – but much more satisfying. We do have backups in the form of a gas hob and microwave but these get rarely used they are probably more for the summer months.
We did have a bit of a panic on as to how to manoeuvre it into place but followed the instructions on the web site and it was simplicity. Whakatane Council were good and no problem with compliance.
So in short very happy with our purchase, thanks for your help along the way and hanging onto our stove for us when we had a few building delays.
Mark – Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

We thought you might like to see this photo of our Homewood.
We love it. So does our dog.
It warms our living area and the hot water, and I cook on it most nights. Next weekend we’ve invited friends to come and experience a roast cooked in it – a dinner party novelty.
We’ve become enthusiastic Homewood promoters.
Kathy & Brendon – Napier, Hawke’s Bay

Very pleased with the way it is working, lots of hot water even though the cylinder is 6 meters from stove, it never goes out.
Everyone that visits us wishes they had a oven like this one.
Many thanks.
Maurice & Judy – Thames, Coromandel

We bought a Heritage stove from you about 6 months ago. It has only been installed in our new house for the past 2 weeks and we’re very happy with it.
We’re using it for water heating and cooking and it will be the only form of heating the house in winter when we finally move in completely. (We live in the shed on site for now but hope to be in the house by March).
I’m only lighting the stove every 3-4 days and it’s enough to keep the water hot for two of us. Thanks for an amazing piece of work. It’s a fantastic design and we love it. I’m looking forward to winter when we can really get the best out of it.
PS visitors eyes light up when they see it…!
Mandy & Brian – Golden Bay, Tasman

We love our Heritage! It was by far the best purchase for our home.
We were lucky enough to source two large, cast iron radiators. So the stove heats our house, hot water and two radiators. It also makes the most amazing food, rises bread and dehydrates tomatoes.
It is absolutely the best thing ever, we are very, very happy with it and quite happy to show anyone who would be interested.
Thank you for making them.
Bliss is… A Heritage!
Michelle & Josef – Invercargill, Southland

I received my Homewood last year and I absolutely love it!!!
I would have got in contact earlier but I have been a bit busy, our twin boys were born just after Christmas and although we already had 3 children, I feel nothing could have prepared me for twins, and doing a house addition at the same time.
Thanks for making such an awesome stove, it really does do all that you say, my husband had not removed our little old freestanding fire because he was not convinced the Homewood would put out enough heat. We haven’t needed to use it this past winter, it just never gets really cold inside anymore.
Thanks so much.
Karen & Peter – Waitarere Beach, Levin

It’s going well, too well in fact our hot water cylinder gets too hot. Lol. If we give it a good run one night it keeps the house warm for about 2 days.
Love the bottom oven for slow stews and there is nothing like fresh bread!
The dog loves lying by it too.
Thanks heaps.
[Their amazing stonework was done by Celtic Stonework, out of Hamilton – Zak]
Brett & Jenny – Te Awamutu, Waikato

Stove went in today and we are doing the first warm-up this evening. It looks great. It’s hard to describe the feeling of being around the warm stove for the first time. We’ve had a lot of visitors today and they are all envious of our setup.
Last September we installed one of your beautiful stoves and we are fully converted to the religion of Homewood cooking. I almost enjoyed even doing the preserves in 38 degree heat over summer!
We are still loving our Homewood very much and on the final frontier of putting the finishing touches to our kitchen. Our cat bags the best spot of course. She worships it more than her food bowl.
Jason & Odette – Carterton, Wairarapa

Looking around at the options, we discovered that the only cast iron cooker made in NZ was made in our backyard and came with a wetback option.
We looked at locally made plate stoves but they did not look robust enough for us. The solid fuel cooker, a Homewood Heritage, cannot be praised highly enough.
It is the easiest fire to light that we have come across, it is frugal on fuel, and cooking with it is a breeze. It has two ovens and the food produced is moister than that from a conventional oven. Oven temperature does not seem to be as critical as with a conventional oven either.
Despite it being at the more expensive end of the price range, it has been worth every cent, and it looks good as well. If we ever leave here, it is going with us.
The best appliance for an off-grid home. [From Mark’s article ‘Off the Grid’ that he wrote for Lifestyle Block Magazine]
Mark & Raewyn – Kauri, Whangarei

We are very much enjoying our Homewood!
Many, many fond memories already of the kids and Ange cooking together around the stove.
We spend a lot of time plugging Homewood Stoves to friends and family…. We say that the Homewood is the jewel in the heart of our home.
Paul & Angela – Ngaruawahia, Waikato

Please find attached a few photos of our Homewood in its forever home. Black slate tiles are yet to be laid in front.
The Homewood has been going since the day we lit it about a month ago. We simply love it and can’t imagine life without it. I have cooked some major yummy foods in and on it. The ‘jug’ is always on, no need for an electric jug anymore. It’s all hooked up to a huge 250 litre hot water cylinder and we have ample HOT water, it’s just amazing! I’d make you nice hot scones for morning tea if you/we were closer hahaa.
Can’t imagine life without our precious Homewood. Sooooooo many people have come in here throughout this process and commented on how “wow” this is, how lucky we are etc… people are green with envy… so, we have passed your brochures around!
We often refer back to your Mum and Dad’s video for the Homewood and have a whistling kettle singing away.
Fioana & Chris – Taupo

Our stove is more than we could ever imagine, perfect for the ‘south’ of South Island conditions and performing great, lovely warm even temperature, no electric stove use at all of course and significant reduction in electricity use, not to mention cooking, baking & lots of experimenting!
Absolutely ideal and we are both so pleased and looks great in our recently renovated house.
Sharon & Martin – Maheno, North Otago

We love our stove!!!
Everyone that comes to our house wants one.
Martin – Greymouth, West Coast

Hi Zak,
I really should have been in touch with you earlier. Simply to say a big thank you. We love the stove!
We did not turn our electricity to the cylinder for the entire winter. Dan from Heatsmart in Rangiora [] installed the stove, flue, cylinder and radiators – brilliant chap and they did an awesome job.
Sarndra & Dave – Leeston, Canterbury

We have had our Homewood Heritage for almost 10 years now and it makes our home.
It is so efficient and easy to use. It gets the baking oven up to temp in less than half an hour after lighting the fire. The fire box allows for pretty long logs and burns any type and shape of wood very clean. We never see smoke come out of our chimney after lighting. It is great to see the fire too.
Its so amazing that the stove is made locally by such a wonderful family business. The team has been always very helpful and recently did a great service on the stove. We cook on our stove pretty much all year round every day and can’t rave about it enough.
It does so much for us, hot water, cooking top, oven, lower oven, drying stuff on it. Had a few friends buying one too and they are equally impressed.
Thanks Homewood team for providing such a great product, well worth the money.
Klaus, Vanessa, Frida, Matt & Josh – PermaDynamics: Organic Farm and Permaculture Education Center

It’s in and it’s burning! It all went so well, thanks to your great moving document.
We absolutely love it and we are amazed how quickly it boils the kettle even on a very low fire. Totally amazed at the efficient water heating too! We’ve only had the fire on very low, but still ran a radiator all day.
Did our first baking and cooking in it today. A total delight to use! We use it all the time and we love it. It’s so much superior to the old ‘Gourmet’ wood burner we had. I love how the hot plate above the fire is really hot even on a low fire and the oven has such an even heat.
It’s super easy to use and I don’t have to turn the baking half way through any more!
We follow your tip of wiping the glass before every lighting and it always looks beautiful. Here is a tip from us… (maybe you already know it but haven’t put it in the book).. the best thing to use to clean the glass is a piece of charcoal. I wet a rag, get a piece of cold charcoal (just burnt wood not coal) out of the fire and rub the glass with it. Nothing cleans it better then that!
We already handed out 3 of your pamphlets. Our daughter and son in law are saving up for one. They love it!
Claudia & Andrew – Stratford, Taranaki

Well, we have the stove installed and running and it’s a life changer!
We are still in the process of replacing the floor but have cut out the section for the stove and cast a beautiful concrete hearth and my clever clever husband has it all up and going. The other day there was an 8 degree difference in the temp from outside to in!
We both absolutely love it.
Brett is very impressed with the engineering quality. Also how little wood it uses compared to our old Champion and also how cleanly it burns.
We would love to visit your factory one day if that is at all possible. [Of course! – Zak]
Sharon & Brett – Tauranga, Bay of Plenty

Thanks for a great product! I have had my first cook up on it and we are amazed at how quick things cook!!
I will send you photos as soon as the trim around the walls is done. I am sure you will be quite impressed with what I’ve managed to do with a friend’s help.
Anita – Kirwee, Canterbury

Hi Zak,
The stove installation passed the final inspection this morning. Between 11.30 am and 4.30 pm I have slowly brought the oven temperature up to 130 C.
As you can see here the spaniel knows what to do near a wood stove. The Siamese kitten has been transfixed watching the flames. The kitten ‘Laird’ sat as in this photo for some two hours watching the flames. This was our first light up so he was fascinated by them.
I have found the stove a delight. At this time of the year, while still trying to get Autumn planting done after the ex cyclone hit us, I light up for the evening only. Though today I have lit up early as this cold has swept in.
The Homewood as installed is very much a cooking stove as well as heating water and the home. It is in the centre of the house. The kitchen is the hub with rooms set around it. It is not just a wood burner for people to sit around. Hence the elaborate block surround to hold the warmth. The idea was the bricks would warm up as well as protect any passing person. This is working well with the stove staying warm for a long time keeping all the house warmer. Having the control of the stove in the kitchen will make cooking a priority.
We have cooked two large pumpkin pies in the Heritage oven. We are using up the last of the seasons pumpkins that we have over-wintered. These baked beautifully and evenly in my iron pan.
We have also cooked a chicken and tomorrow it will be lamb shanks with my daughter and her boyfriend. Mostly I cook on the hot plates when it is me only.
My eldest daughter is hoping to build a house sometime soon on a farm with lovely rolling hills inland from Timaru so will be in touch with you then.
Stephanie – Motueka, Tasman

Dear Zak,
Just to let you know (but it will come as no surprise, I’m sure) that we are absolutely delighted with our Homewood Heritage.
We cook on it and it keeps our whole house warm through the cold spells. Not only that, it looks good too.
Thank you to you and your team.
Sarah & Phil – Whitianga, Coromandel Peninsula

[These people had purchased a property with a ~fifteen-year old Heritage already in it, which had sadly been the victim of a prolonged flue leak. We did a rebuild on it for them – Zak]
Third day in and all we can say is “Wow! Is this the same stove?!”
It’s fantastic and economical. We used to go through a lot of firewood but now it’s so different. I am excited at the thought of baking in it. We are absolutely thrilled. The downstairs area was 13° when we woke on Monday morning before the plumber arrived – it’s great to now have the stove back and working properly.
It’s truly the heart of our home.
Our foxy Astro is also very happy and has claimed the best spot.
Thanks again
Sandra & Julien (and Astro!) – Kaitaia, Far North

Wow. This stove is just so great.
Council gave us our compliance last Thurs. At Last. The inspector came out and did not even know what it was all about. Mark had to explain to him as he was going to go back to the office to study the specs. Mark said “it is all there in front of you” and proceeded to show him.
Sometimes we wonder how these people get their jobs. He was very happy with everything and said it would take a week for the paper work to come thru. I asked if we could light it up and use and he said YES.
Just as well!!!
We took it very quietly and sat and then started cooking. We are very very thrilled with it.
I really enjoy the firebox and watching the flames from the wood. It gets lit up about 4pm to cook the tea and I have done some cake baking. Very impressive. Almost cooking ourselves out of the house at the moment but just open the windows and the doors.
Thank you very much for a wonderful piece of equipment. Mark has a big smile on his face each time he walks past it .
Our son-in-law commented that it looks a million dollars!!! We have had some very positive comments from friends. It really does look great with the white tiles on the wall behind. It is the focal point in our kitchen.
Going extremely well and we are just thrilled.
Helen & Mark – Wakefield, Tasman

We love our Homewood.
I could do without almost everything in our home but not without that (hubby up there with it).
We use it for 9 months of the year and would not ever be without it.
It’s the best thing we have ever invested in.
Marilyn & Neil – New Plymouth, Taranaki

The stove is fantastic, easy to use and very efficient at transferring heat into a kettle full of water compared to gas hob.
Wet back is providing plenty of hot water too, so we are super pleased with it.
I will send some decent photos through once we have the surround completed either side of the stove, in the meantime here she is at present.
James – Waipu, Northland

Hello Homewood Stoves,
Thought you might like to know that our Homewood Heritage appears in Issue #2, Autumn ’17, of the Wairarapa Journal. This is a new, free magazine, available online and from information centres in the Wairarapa.
There is a photo in the online version, and a slightly different photo in the print version.
I gave the interviewer your brand name, but I’m sorry to say it wasn’t included in the final article.
We actually regret all the black and white tiles around the stove. I was worried that the stove was going to be too much heavy blackness in the room, and I was trying to soften it; but in fact it never strikes me as too black and we’d make the surround all white if we had the choice again. [oops – I’ve made the stove look pretty heavy black with how small an image I’ve used! – Zak]
Very happy with the stove, cook on it all winter and running it right now!
Susan & Wayne – Masterton, Wairarapa

We are really stoked (no pun intended) with our stove and we certainly talk it up. It is a wonderful addition to our new renovation.
Thank you for a wonderful product.
Lee & Steph – Darfield, Canterbury

We are loving our Homewood stove.
Thank you very much.
God bless
Jocelyn & Bruce – Dannevirke, Tararua District

Thought you might like a photo of our stove.
It hasn’t gone out for most of the winter! It’s been hard to peel Lesley off it!
Peter & Lesley – Hokianga, Northland

Nice to hear from you, Zak.
Yes, we still own the Homewood property. The stove’s in the lodge kitchen, and has given us great service, thank you. It gives us a cheery winter kitchen!
A couple of pics are attached. The bricks in the hearth come from the beach and foreshore in front of where we believe the original homestead was, a couple of hundred meters from the lodge. I suspect this pre-dated Foote ownership, and it appears that it burned down in the 1890s. The bricks have no mortar attached, and we wonder whether they were lost overboard in the process of coming ashore.
The Foote homestead, built in 1890, was a couple of km away, and was demolished about 40 years ago. It was a delightful old villa, but riddled with borer. We could have bought it and a few acres of land for $6,000, but in 1973 that was a lot of money!
We would be delighted if you could stop by sometime, and we can share our mutual knowledge of Homewood’s history. Please be sure to greet your parents for me.
Dallas – Homewood Bay Lodge, Pelorus Sound, Marlborough

We love our NZ-made Homewood Heritage stove because it is great to cook on and the dual ovens are extremely useful especially when preserving the produce from the garden.
Additionally, due to our stove’s advanced wetback, it heats hot water for not only the HWC but also for six radiators located around our home.
When it snowed and others lost power, due to our home being off-grid, the stove proved its worth by creating a warm and cosy environment where we could cook, had lots of hot water and the glass in the firebox door provided light and a beautiful atmosphere.
Recently, we have bought an old villa and ordered another Heritage stove for this home because we don’t want to be without the versatility of this stove.
Homewood Stoves and Zak are extremely helpful and pleasant to work with, from our initial enquiry through to after sales support.
Tony & Bev – (, Timaru, Canterbury

We live on a farm in the Northern Tablelands of NSW, Australia where it is not uncommon for the temperature to reach -10 C during winter and we have the occasional snow fall.
The previous owners who built our brick home had a wood heater in the kitchen to heat both the kitchen and lounge areas. We were looking to update our heater and decided that as we were already running a wood heater why not change it to a wood stove that would also heat our water, run a couple of radiators and we could cook on.
We did a lot of research as we wanted a stove with glass on both the firebox and the oven door (so I could watch the scones rising!), one that had a large water jacket but most importantly we wanted one that would take a large log to ensure that it would burn all day or night as required.
Homewood were wonderful to deal with, and as I hadn’t bought anything large off the internet before I actually flew to New Zealand to have a look at the stove before buying it, getting to meet David and Zak in person.
Zak was wonderful and organised virtually everything for us. The stove was very well crated and arrived at our farm over 2,800 km away without a single scratch. The whole process was very easy.
The stove has been running now for 2 years and is as good as the day we installed it. The food is delicious, the cleaning is a breeze and it has now become the focal point of our kitchen.
I would highly recommend Homewood Stoves and the team; the product is amazing and performs beautifully and the service is impeccable.
Sue & Andrew, Guyra, NSW, Australia

This stove makes the kitchen the hub of the house – everyone walks in and goes “wow!”
It’s all the good things we ever wanted it to be!
Lou & Peter – Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

Just loving this!
Everyone that sees it is very impressed or envious or both.
I can get very enthusiastic when I have a big passion for something as I do your stoves!
Dee – Selwyn, Canterbury

I’m absolutely loving my stove!
We’ve been using our stove pretty much every day – for cooking and heating our water. Because we’re completely off grid and there’s not as much solar power at the moment with the short days, it’s been our only water heating source and it’s been doing a great job. It also heats our house without any problems!
I find it great to cook on – especially for roasts – and it’s really handy having the lower cooler oven as well. Everything seems to come out tasting great.
It’s easy to light and I love how it holds its heat for hours after the fire has gone out!
It’s one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Everyone who sees it thinks it’s amazing.
Nicky & Alex – Amberley, North Canterbury
Homewood Companion

Good evening Zak,
We are so very satisfied with this amazing Homewood Companion.
It’s been the most amazing find. When we were searching the web, we found you, with this beautiful video & guitar played with a singer that gave much atmosphere. Showing children and the whole family taking produce out of the garden and then together cooking. It captured our hearts.
It’s been for us a wonderful asset to our tiny home. It’s beautifully built, easy to clean out and maintain. The instructions very helpful & clear. Loved explanation of wood use etc.
You showed patience, quality of service after we bought it. Keeping in touch to make sure all was functioning and in order. We cannot find any faults in the purchase & aftercare service.
This is tops. We have recommended people to you. When friends come they ask where did we get this stove from? It’s a feature to be admired by many. It functions well and nothing beats the warmth & the taste of food. We had another person today who was so delighted in it & told us after his build he will purchase a Companion stove. He wanted to see how I clean it & he looked through the papers of instructions.
We will have many generations of pleasure. The family have the instructions to keep maintaining it well. To have it last forever.
Thank you once again.
Frances & Boudewijn – Mahakirau, Coromandel

We treasure our Homewood Companion which looks very impressive in our kitchen.
It not only cooks and heats our water [680 L!] very effectively, it also keeps the house nice and warm. We find we need no other heating even with our very large living space.
We believe this stove will retain it’s elegance and functionality for many decades. We love it.
Rob & Marijke – Kaiwaka, Northland

The stove has been up and running for a couple of weeks now and the initial impression is good. It heats the kitchen to the point where we need to open windows. The heat makes it further into the house than the other stove ever did. It is the easiest stove to light, easier than anything I have used before and it does indeed burn through the night. Many stoves make this claim but it is very often not the case.
The oven cooks like a dream and we have had many meals from it already. It is quick to heat up and much hotter than our previous stove.
There are a couple of other photos but I will provide more when I get the plate/ warmer rack finished and in place.
Thanks for all of your help. It truly is a very remarkable little stove.
Brent – Auckland Region

We were talking tonight about how amazingly easy the Companion is to light and how quickly it heats up the top plate – much better than we expected. It’s almost worth lighting it just for a cup of tea!
It also looks extremely smart and we have had numerous admiring comments from visitors.
Wet back is super effective and we only need to light the stove once every 3 days to have enough hot water for showers and dishes – it stays hot. If we had thought longer about it we would have bought the sort of hot water cylinder than can run radiators – too late now.
Another good thing is how easy it is to keep it alight overnight with a big log. We have a small fan that just sits on the top to help disperse the heat. We leave the oven door off when we are not cooking in it as this lets out more heat to the room but we put it back on for the photos for you.
We have put up a rack (it really is just a ladder from the op shop hung up with rope!) above the fire to dry herbs, fungi etc.
You have been extremely helpful all the way through – the continuing support has made a real positive difference to our experience. We appreciated how quickly you responded to our questions and all your help with getting the correct flue and fittings.
The fire is really great. We use it all the time. We love it! AND our electricity bills are less than $40 a month – brilliant.
Steph & Chris – Lower Hutt, Wellington

What a wonderful thing this woodstove is, I can’t sing its praises highly enough.
Thanks David and Zak!
Ian – Hokianga, Northland

We’re happy for any of your customers to come and visit us any time.
Our Homewood Companion has changed our lives and we would gladly become evangelists for your terrific appliances.
Keep up the good work: changing the world one stove at a time.
Shona & Murray – Porirua, Wellington Region

I am so enjoying my Companion–and here she is, stoked up and cooking well.
Many thanks again
Sally – Whitianga, Coromandel Peninsula

It is, as I tell everyone over here, the best thing I have bought. Not only is it a thing of beauty, it is amazing to use.
At first, I was burning wood like I had to in my old dunger of a stove. Then I remembered seeing it in the workshop burning away on 1 piece of wood, holding its temperature and throwing out a nice heat. Now I probably burn half the wood (or less!) I used to and get a better result.
The oven turns out bread with an all-over yummy crust, no more sticking it back in the oven upside down, and pizza with a crusty bottom too – just like out of a pizza oven. The oven is amazing. I haven’t actually timed it on a clock, but I know I can light the stove and start making scones, and after they are ready I only have to wait 4 or 5 mins more to have the oven hot enough to cook them. And I might add, they come out cooked evenly all over, just like the bread.
Same with roasting… I get home, light the fire, put the organic butterfly lamb (my favourite) in the oven, get the veg ready and whack them in too. 30-40 minutes later, lamb comes out to rest, potatoes crisp up as oven is on fire.
It is a dream to start, so easy and I have no trouble at all keeping the fire going through the night, it has a great wood box. I once last winter stoked it up before I went to bed around 11, went to work the next day, got home about 6 pm, gave the wood box a clean and was like “wow there’s still embers in here”, biffed some bark and kindling on, opened her up and away we went. I think I had the stove continuously going for about a month. It was great.
I love winter now, planning a holiday just to be at home with the stove ha ha. Its true though, I really am looking forward to cosy winter days, something yummy in the oven, house warm, water heating, cat stretched out in front of the stove and me sitting knitting and chatting with friends. bliss.
I burn mostly manuka, just in case anyone wants to know.
I have recommended the Companion to some of my friends who were in the market for a new wood stove, safe in the knowledge that they will be getting the best and I am sure they will all be as in love with theirs as I am with mine.
Joss – Great Barrier Island, Hauraki Gulf

Here are some photos of our Companion stove.
We have found it handy to have some fire bricks to put at the back of the fire box so the water heats more slowly. Have got plenty of wood ready for whatever winter does to us.
We love it!
Miriam & Kevin – Taheke Falls, Northland

We bought a Companion model last year and are really pleased with it. Well done!
In particular, I like the way you can put a casserole in the oven after it has almost burned out, just before going to bed, and in the morning it is perfectly cooked.
It seems very economical on wood too, once it is hot and turned right down. Thanks again!
Rob & Hanne – Waiheke Island, Auckland

We are just loving the stove and the dogs are too as you will see in photo. Thanks again for the great stove!
Graeme & Katrina – Norsewood, Tararua District

The Companion is going very well and I continue to be very pleased with its performance. Today I have had it going all day and it has so far cooked a shoulder of lamb, a big pot of leek and potato soup and numerous kettles of hot water for tea and coffee, and given me enough hot water for the washing.
We are off the grid and have been all my married life….38 years this coming November. The stove is the heart of my kitchen and household.
We tell a lot of people about your stoves because we are so satisfied.
Sue & Nev – North Canterbury

Hi Zak, look at our Companion! First lit yesterday, second go today….so good!
What an awesome fire! Hamish cooked me bacon n eggs on there this morning & haven’t used electric kettle today!
Thanks so much!
Wendy & Hamish – Porangahau, Hawke’s Bay

Photo of our up and running Companion.
All good and going well! Very pleased with it and lights so easily.
Thank you
Avril & Wally – Raglan Beach, Waikato

Very happy and enjoying keeping warm and full of healthy home-cooked meals this winter.
Have never previously been a scone maker but David’s date scones are an absolute winner. [These are a sample recipe in our Operating Manual – Zak!]
Many thanks for your contribution to our great lifestyle.
Susan & Keith – Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

We are very pleased with our stove, looks good, very efficient and the rock surround gets heated and radiates heat long after the fire goes out.
The stonemason is Paul Gautron. He is a 4th generation mason from Jersey Island. His website is
Mike – Tauranga, Bay of Plenty

Just to let you know we have our Companion finally installed and couldn’t be happier!
First fire yesterday and today I made choc chip banana muffins, two quiches and have a roast ticking away!
Thanking you!
Marg & Lindsay – Dunedin, Otago

We have it council approved, run in and cooking and heating and it’s really hard to go to work in the freezing cold Waikato weather!
Thank you. We love it.
More pics to send as we get the rest of the house sorted. But after 5 years of building we finally have HEAT!!
Sal & Greg – Pirongia, Waikato

Thanks for our Homewood, it’s just perfect.
Eleanor and Steve – Whangarei, Northland

We are so very happy with our wonderful Companion – use it for heating our home, our water and cooking.
It’s so easy to light, superfast to heat up, good temperature controls, great intense oven; fantastic for bread.
Thoroughly Recommend, in fact maybe looking to install a second one.
Wendy & Doug – Invercargill, Southland
We moved into our cabin three days ago. We had 24ml of rain last night and it is 7 deg.
The Homewood is going, coffee is brewing, and we are very happy!

Its 2 deg. outside down here and snow on the ground on the foothills just above us.
Its cozy and warm inside with the trusty Companion doing its thing. We have wedges cooking and plenty of hot water (and I am enjoying a nice home-brewed pale ale after a day in town)
Hope you are all well up there in the North.
The ash hearth and backing panels are from one of those old galvanized cube-shaped water tanks (approx. 1200x1200x1200) that you can still find in farm paddocks around the country.
Our plumber told us they came into the country on the ships. I assumed they would be flat-packed and then riveted when they arrived, but apparently not. He says they came already made up, and full of crockery and the like, packed in straw to stop things breaking. Anyway, I cut one up with a grinder and mounted it to the walls with coach screws. I used some sheet galv for the inter shield, and cut up some water pipe for the spacers.
The Companion really is our friend. It provides us with plenty of hot water, it cooks well, and it heats our cabin beautifully.
We call it our “Happy little Homewood” most days as we light our stove and give it a pat 🙂
Tom – Springfield, Canterbury

It looks far nicer than any of our other ranges, had five but we just keep moving. Like the size of the oven and woodbox, can’t wait to light it up.
Will send you a pic once its installed.
Many thanks for your service and excellent communication.
Have been using the stove now for three months with no problems at all. It lights easily, reaches heat quickly, haven’t needed to turn the electric switch on for the water heating, cooks on top and in the oven beautifully, although I haven’t cooked cakes yet, just meat.
Love the look and the warmth, so well done you guys with your product!
Finally a photo! Best thing in this house… doesn’t really show it off properly with the concrete floor… tiles are yet to go down… just cooked snapper and chips on it… still haven’t switched on the electrics to the hot water cylinder…. every visitor wants one…
Lynne & Mort – Coromandel Peninsula

Just lit the fire. The plumbers were delighted to be able to experience watching their handiwork come to life. Lit for only 5 mins before the water had started to circulate and felt warm. It’s been a long wait – but oh it was so worth it. Ticking over quietly – and even so the kettle has come to the boil. We are thrilled with this beautiful work of art – please tell your father how proud we are to have this. Now we must finish the kitchen makeover to do it justice.
It’s been a very cold day here. I expect you have your Homewood going too. Aren’t we lucky.
Lots to do re the brick laying which had to be suspended until the plumbers did their thing. Beautiful Belfast sink and European beech bench and soft closing draws – what more could a girl want!Your Dad should be very proud of his work. I used to say to people that even if it was never installed, it is a beautiful work of art that I would be happy to just look at. Now its functioning neighbours and friends are calling by!
Thank you all sincerely,
Angela and Richard and Dog person Poppy who has pulled up her cushion close to the warmth.[…]
Oh dear – it’s still unfinished i.e. I haven’t tiled the wall behind it. The capping tiles for the top of the wall took a while to find. Tracked them down in Warkworth in the end! We’ve been a bit busy. This morning’s newspaper will give you an idea of our ‘life style’!!
But we love our cooker. It is efficient – economical with wood and so easy to operate. Lighting it is simple – as long as I remember to empty the ash pan which takes ages to fill. It’s the heart and soul of our home. Dries the clothes – heats the water – cooks the meals and so on. I’m not a prolific baker but Richard loves his puddings! Our friends are envious!
Dealing with your company was a breeze. And we did like the way you sell your product. Meeting people who already have a stove in operation that you can visit and talk with them about their experience beats a showroom any day. The way you organised Mainfreight was impressive.
We found the whole process exciting from beginning to end and you can’t say that about many businesses these days!
I will get the camera out and see if I can capture a photo that doesn’t look too unfinished, very soon.
Angela & Richard (and Poppy the dog!) – Waihao Downs, Canterbury

Hi Zak, nice to see you the other day. I’m still amazed at your memory.
Here’s a photo of the Companion we put in the cottage up the back of the farm. Still some finishing work to do.
It’s the best decision we ever made.
I put in a 270L hot water cylinder and we have unlimited hot water, including for the bath on the deck.
Thanks again.
Shimon & Anna – Northland

I keep meaning to email – we love our stove!
Thank you very much 🙂
It is lit most nights, very efficient, cozy and cooks delicious food.
Hope all’s well there.
Katherine & Steven Henry – Oamaru, North Otago

Guys, this is the best stove ever!
I can’t believe how well it burns wood, slowly, without sooting up the glass. Cooking is brilliant, we can cook whole meals and it heats our house wonderfully.
We love it! It’s so quiet and burns so efficiently, one piece of mac lasts a couple of hours whilst ticking over at 180 degrees. Thank goodness for the southerly!!
Nils – Lower Hutt, Wellington Region

Hi Zak,
After two years of living in our new home with our Homewood Companion, we wouldn’t be without it.
Although we also installed underfloor heating, we turned it off within a week of moving in. Our Homewood provides all the heating we need.
Throughout winter it heats our water, cooks our evening meals, and dries our washing. We absolutely love it and have had no hesitation in recommending it to friends and visitors, at least one of whom has since bought from you.
It also has the seal of approval from our cats – you can’t get better than that.
I should add, we also appreciated your holding back delivery until we were ready to install. You were quick to respond to emails and great to deal with.
Keep up the good work.
Ken & Vicky – Featherston, South Wairarapa

It is a bleak, cold and rainy day here today and Felix (the stove) is warming us and the hot water and the bacon and egg pie for lunch.
It’s also cooking the vegetable soup for dinner tonight. It has been fantastic and not a trace of creosote??
And I forgot the kettle. It’s on the boil all day long.
Thanks again for it. We love it.
Michal – Carterton, Wairarapa

Hey that’s great you saw the article Zak – enjoying my stove alright!
Bart – Carterton, Wairarapa
Homewood Matriarch

She’s fabulous, our house is warmer than it ever has been and it’s such a beautiful presence in our home, we really are thrilled.
We also are running 3 radiators and 1 large heated towel rail of the excess hot water and they are all very efficient too, so we are certainly happy with the result.
100% amazing – we haven’t turned our ordinary stove on once since firing this one up – it’s fabulous to cook on and in, we really love it
David and Penny – Drury, Auckland Region

The perfect cooking station!
It is incredibly easy to light and heats the ovens almost as fast as an electric oven. It is almost too efficient at heating hot water! (We’re considering getting radiators for the winter). It is always still warm in the morning, even when we let it go out the night before. (It is very easy to keep in overnight).
It is ideal to have multiple ovens at different temperatures. At Christmas we cooked two turkeys, a massive ham and a huge tray of roast vegetables all at once, with ease.
An absolute pleasure to use and the centrepiece of our home – we couldn’t be happier with our Homewood Matriarch!
Sam and Pien – Kerikeri, Northland
My Homewood stove has been awesome this morning keeping up with bottling peaches….. Wahoo half way there.

I have a new kitchen. I LOVE IT!!!
We are totally solar power and this beautiful Homewood stove is for all my cooking, warming the house, and heating water. Its better than I had expected!
They are cast iron these stoves and built in Whangarei NZ. Beautiful people to work with.
Zak at Homewood is amazing to deal with! Highly recommend!!!
Sam – Dargaville, Northland

The Homewood stove is not just for cooking, heating our home and providing hot water – it is the hub of our family life, a focal point and something ALL our guests delight in!
I have known guests to sit with their feet up in front of it, asking if it’s OK. Yes, of course – that’s what it’s all about!!
The food tastes better and I get a warm satisfied feeling as I twiddle the vent with my foot and move pans across the hot plates. The Homewood is a feature item; make own marmalade, jams and chutneys on Matriarch #1!
Still impress people with the story of how just TWO people moved the Matriarch from trailer through house to kitchen; but our best moment was welcoming guests who said they had actually come up to Whangarei to visit the Homewood factory! We ushered them into the kitchen to see one in full flow!
Drew and Suzie – Kauri Villas, Bed and Breakfast (new owners now!), Parua Bay

I’m really enjoying the Homewood
Bill – Hokitika, West Coast

My Homewood Matriarch cooker/stove has finally been installed.
It is working well. I baked a cake yesterday to see how well the main top right oven worked. Wanted to see if it cooked the cake evenly, or did I need to move the cake around inside the oven for an even bake. It worked perfectly. No need to turn the cake at all.
The cooker is now connected to a new solar hot water system.
I’m having a few friends for afternoon tea to eat the cake. It will be interesting to get their reaction.
Great to hear you are selling more Matriarch stoves into Australia. If I can help, I am happy to show my stove to your buyers or interested people. I am close to the high country of SE Queensland. NZ is closer to Tasmania than I am.
I am going to be totally warm this winter. I have installed a large water heater in the hallway. The stove first heats/backs up the solar hot water system and after it reaches a set temperature it then transfers the excess heated water through to the closed hot water heater in the hallway. It works beautifully and is usually going well about one hour after I fire up the stove in the morning and after taking a shower or doing a load of warm water washing. Heated air just drifts into the lounge room, my office and bedroom from the hallway.
Here are today’s photos of my Matriarch. It is in the finally completed chimney. It cooks evenly and beautifully. It is admired by everyone who sees it.
I will be cooking bread in it today.
It was a good purchase.
David – NSW, Australia

The stove has been absolutely fabulous. Creating a home that is warm and dry and providing my wife with such a fantastic cooking platform.
She has been excelling and I’m not losing any weight but “me no complain”. The Doctor is telling me I have to. All of our friends and neighbours are impressed, as they should be with such a magnificent engine in the hut.
The stove is wonderful. We are very pleased with your support and have promoted these facts with all of our friends and visitors that come into our home and see the Matriarch chugging away like an old steam engine.
I might be getting another from you next year for our next building.
Keith – Tuateawa, Coromandel
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